Hospitality House | Marie Antoinette | Romeo & Juliet
Hollywood Premiere - Take 1 | Hollywood Premiere - Take 2

Here are your "scripts-of-the-month" - a series of programs is being sent you free by Packard-Bell, makers of your PhonOcord. We hope that these scripts, written by the same writers who prepare many of the large network shows, will help you to get more enjoyment from the home recording unit of your PhonOcord. At your next party, why not plan the evening's entertainment around the "broadcast" of this script? Or better still, get the family together tonight and stage your own productions.

How To Get The Most Fun Out Of These Scripts!

This recording script is professionally prepared end has been pre-tested by the PhonOcord Family Jury. All production details and sound effects have been carefully worked out end timed for recording on a standard size home recording disc. If desired, you may increase the length of the program end record it on e larger disc simply by inserting new dialogue end sound effects, or by having the announcer give each member of the cast the introduction or credit which you feel will provide the most fun. Before recording, read the script carefully; your guests can double up, one guest taking two parts. One person should be assigned to handle only the sound effects.
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