Disc Graphophone

With Hard Unbreakable Records

Purple Line

The Demand On The Part Of Exhibitors And Those Who Have Occasion To Travel Or Move Their Machine Much From Place To Place, For A Graphophone Using The Flat Disc Unbreakable Records, Must Be Recognized.

WE ARE NOW IN A POSITION to offer a Flat Disc Unbreakable Record Machine which possesses all the merits claimed by any machine of this description, and has most effectually eliminated the drawbacks and inferior effects which have so far rendered this most convenient form of machine below the musical standard of the machines using wax cylinders. We refused to handle this type until we were sure we could offer an instrument which would reproduce instrumental, vocal and musical utterances with perfect.

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Fidelity, Brilliancy, Loudness And Clearness

OUR ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE is binding on any graphophone of any kind and we guarantee our customers the privilege of returning unsatisfactory goods.

THE BEST KNOWN, the largest and most successful builders of talking machines and records have at our request under our instructions been experimenting along the line of flat disc machines for months past. The first attempts were not satisfactory; too much like the old style hard disc machine with which the market was flooded, and which combined almost every demerit of a talking machine and possessed only the merit of portability and of using unbreakable records. These features have been kept prominently to the forefront in all experiments, and our efforts have been centered on combining them with the same sonorous, loud, clear and musical tone which has distinguished the wonderful type of Graphophone Grands which have lately been so enormously successful. We are now glad to be able to announce to our customers perhaps the most important step which has ever been taken in the presentation of sound recordings.

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A Perfect Talking Machine With Unbreakable Records

THE REGAL GRAPHOPHONE GRAND uses the hard 10-inch concert records, affording a volume of purity and tone unequalled by any other instrument. For concert work, unapproachable; for volume and purity of tone, unrivaled; for loudness, clearness and brilliancy, unequaled.

THE REGINA GRAPHOPHONE is especially designed to use either the flat disc 7-inch unbreakable record or the 10-inch concert record with equal facility and the same admirable results; a combination never attempted before in any type of flat disc talking machine, and securing a result which is practically

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Two Machines In One

In placing orders for these machines and records, you may be quite certain that they are the finest goods in their class which have ever been placed upon the market; and in this branch, as in all others of the talking machine industry, we intend to and will lead all competitors in variety of types and selection, as well as in the quality of the instrument offered.

THE REGAL GRAPHOPHONE is not only the best concert machine on the market, using the unbreakable records, but, as shown in the illustration drawn direct from a photograph, is a most beautiful instrument, massive in proportion and handsome in appearance. The mechanism is contained in a handsomely designed quarter sawed highly polished oak cabinet made up in appropriate and decorated design supported at corners by Gothic pillars and beautifully fluted, ornamented solid base, supported on solid rubber cushions to prevent reverberation and secure resonance of sound. Ornamented metal carrying handle, heavy solid steel bed to support records providing for absolutely true running of the record and preventing any variation of sound. All exposed metal parts, speed adjuster, arm holder, horn support and sound box highly nickel plated.

THE MECHANISM of the machine is well nigh perfect and it is equipped with scientifically designed spring motor of the most thorough and substantial construction, assuring regular and reliable action, and running three of the large 10-inch concert records with each winding. All gears are machine cut and simplicity and durability are considered in every detail. It is made as accurately as a scientific instrument and will appeal to all users of talking machines as much for its mechanical perfection as for any other reason. The ease with which the spring motor is accessible so that it may be oiled, examined and inspected at any time is demonstrated by the cut below which shows the machine open and ready for examination. The cost of repairs, if any should be needed, is thus reduced to a minimum.

THE RESULTS obtained from the machines and records in the way of sound reproduction are unbelievable. Seated in the largest hall or auditorium its vibrant, resonant and perfectly musical tones can be heard by the audience in the most remote part of the auditorium; nor are its loud and brilliant tones its only or principal merit, perfect accuracy in reproduction, perfect fidelity to the original and perfect quality of musical tone are rendered with an instrument which it is absolutely necessary to hear before its wonderful qualities can be fully appreciated.

THE EQUIPMENT consists of case and mechanism already described; steel bed plate for records with nickel holder; tension screw for regulating tune and speed; break for stopping and controlling the revolution of the disc, which acts directly on the governor; twenty-two-inch amplifying horn, steel body and burnished brass bell; beautiful nickel plated ornamented stand and carrying arm for horn, extra loud vibrant combined sound box and reproducer constructed on entirely new principles and guaranteed to insure a volume and purity of tone unapproachable by any other talking machine using the hard disc records; handsome leatherette cover and carrying case, absolutely protecting the machine when not in use from dust, etc., and rendering it compact for transportation so that it may be easily carried in one hand. For exhibition this machine has never been equaled. The instrument itself is so well and substantially made that it can be carried from place to place without the slightest danger of breakage or derangement. The unbreakable disc records are contained in a case made for the purpose, and the entire outfit of Concert Grand size can readily be carried by a boy without fatigue.

THE REGAL is especially designed for the 10-inch record, and with this record will reproduce the greatest volume of sound. The smaller 7-inch disc, however, can be run on the machine as well.

No. 21R200 Regal machine with concert sound box, elegant piano finish, ornamental cabinet, 21-inch steel body, burnished brass amplifying horn, 200 needles and needle case.

Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40.00

TO THE PROFESSIONAL EXHIBITOR: The work of public exhibition with a talking machine is pleasant and remunerative. Many of our customers who have started in the past with but a small talking machine have had such success as to realize an ample competency. All that is required to make this business more successful than ever is the addition of novelty which this instrument affords, greater portability so that it may be removed readily from place to place, eliminating all danger of breakage and harm either to records or machine in transportation, absolute perfection in the quality of tone, loudness and clearness of enunciation and the perfection of musical harmony. All these have been brought together in the "Regal" as the perfection instrument for successfully engaging in exhibition business.

NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY to operate an outfit of this description. No previous experience is necessary to operate the Regal Graphophone and to begin public exhibition work at once. You will have something new to show the people and something which, at comparatively trifling expense, can always be kept new, always fresh and always up to date.

OUR INSTRUCTIONS give complete information how to operate the outfit successfully, how to make engagements, hire halls, etc. and enable anyone without previous experience to make from $10.00 to $50.00 a day every working day in the year.

Purple Line

No. 21R 220 Regal Complete Exhibition Outfit for up to date exhibitors and money makers consists of the following items:

Our new Concert Regal Graphophone, specially designed for using the Climax 10-inch concert record, enclosed in handsome oak carrying case and furnished with our new and strictly patented combined reproducing and concert sound box with highly nickel plated standard and supporting arm for amplifying horn.

A "Grand" Outfit Complete For Only $65.00

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WE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE the Regal and Regina machines for loudest reproduction, perfect mechanism, handsome appearance, and will keep them in repair free of charge to the customer for one year from date of sale.

THE REGINA corresponds with the description of the Regal machine except that the case is somewhat plainer and less ornamental. The same care is given to the mechanism and the same attention to each and every detail. It is specially designed for the smaller 7-inch record, and will run three of such records with each winding. The large 10- inch concert record can, however, be used on the Regina machine, thus for the first time offering two machines in one.

No. 21R205 Regina, this machine with same equipment:
Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20.00

REGINA GRAPHOPHONE using unbreakable Flat Disc records running either the Climax 10-inch record or the 7-inch Acme record, for home and family purposes is a high grade and perfect talking machine, smaller and less ornamental than the Regal machine, but will run either large or small records.

HOME OUTFITS - We suggest the following as a perfect outfit for home purposes, a beautiful gift for one member of the family to make to another and an incomparable present for Xmas or the holiday season. Possesses every advantage of a perfect high priced organ or piano and places the finest vocal and instrumental selections absolutely in the hands of a beginner who has not had and does not require one hour's previous experience. It will provide a home entertainment and delight yourself, family and friends, keeping you in touch with the best and latest music and in a month more than repay its first cost.

No. 21R221 Our family Regina Outfit complete will consist of the following:

All For $28.00.

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IN EVERY DETAIL OF CONSTRUCTION, in superiority of mechanism and in quality of reproduction, the Regal and Regina possess innumerable points of superiority over every other flat disc talking machine on the market. Run three records with one winding, no other machine runs more than one. The record bed fits on a conical standard, entirely preventing any rocking motion. Constructed in such a way that the mechanism is easily accessible for all purposes. The stop brake or lever works directly on the internal governor mechanism instead of on the bed plate as in other machines, thus preventing the injurious jar of instantly stopping the record plate while in motion.

CLIMAX RECORDS - The Climax Records are the highest achievement in the production of sound records for disc machines. They are suitable not only to our own machines, the Regal and Regina, but for any other machine now on the market using disc records. Two sizes, the Climax, ten inches, the Acme, seven inches.

Both the Climax and Acme Records can be used on the Regina as well as the Regal machine.

These records are most conveniently carried in a very handsome record carrying case and occupy the smallest appreciable space.

No. 21R210 Climax Records, 10-inch, per dozen, $10.00;

No. 21R211 Acme Records, 7-inch, per dozen, $5.00;
each.............................................. .50

No. 21R215
Climax 10-inch record carrying case...$3.00

No. 21R216
Acme 7-inch record carrying case......$2.00

Send To Us For Full List Of Climax and ACME Records

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