Portable Recorders
Perfect Uniformity in Audio Discs

Some time ago the non uniform quality of available discs became very objectionable. A group of recording engineers of long experience began a search for a material that could be depended on. They found a unique direct recording blank being made in France. The art of direct recording originated in Europe, and years of careful research by the finest lacquer chemists culminated in an outstanding and unique formula and process.

This was the surprised reaction at the first cut. With the usual slight adjustment of pressure a fine quiet groove was formed. The thread was cut easily, steadily, even near the center. No tendency to cut light and heavy. A groove of shiny uniformity. No need to tinker with cutting angles.

A high fidelity magnetic pickup was used, standard shadow graphed red shank needles and two ounces pressure. First tests were made with music recordings. After two hundred playings the record was still good. Various frequencies, including 9000 cycles, were recorded. Even at 9000 cycles the wear was too small to be measured properly the effect of changing needles (which vary very slightly in output) was greater.

During this test an interesting discovery was made. Some other records would grind a flat on the end of the needle in a few playings visible to the naked eye. In fact even in playing one record the wear would cause a loss of level at the high frequencies as the point enlarged. A complete wear test on an audio disc using only one needle showed no abrasive wear visible under the microscope!

These discs are now made available to recording studios through Audio Devices, Inc., 1600 Broadway, New York City.

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